4-5S First Contact

4-5 S have been studying a topic called First Contact which involves looking at life in Australia pre 1770, the first fleet and British settlement. An assessment task they had to do is to create a Venn Diagram to compare Aboriginal and British perspectives of these significant events in our history.

venn allierah

venn eddie


venn elisa

venn jess

venn mandawuy

venn mervyn

venn reese

venn tylah

venn zac

Kindergarten “HEALTHY CHOICES”

Kindergarten have been learning about our bodies and how to make healthy choices about what we eat and how to exercise.

We made “Fruity Echidnas” using fresh fruit and also had a fresh strawberry smoothie. The children loved eating and drinking their creations.

Cooper     Briony

Joey     Josh

Serina     Reagan

We also learnt about our skeleton and how it works. Have a look at our clever cottonbud skeletons.

Alexyss Skeletonby Alexyss

Joseph Skeletonby Joseph

Jalum Skeletonby Jalum

Cooper Skeletonby Cooper